Welcome to the Three’s and Four’s! In the three and four-year old room the children are potty-trained. Kiddy Garden provides an environment that is based on successful experiences, which encourages all children to develop a healthy self-concept and positive self-esteem. We provide an environment that gives the child the opportunity to learn by doing, moving from concrete hands-on experiences to more abstract concept development. Running all year long, using our theme based curriculum, we encourage language through stories, puppetry, the dramatic play area and it’s equipment, music, games, science materials, problem solving and other conversations. We encourage their physical development of large motor skills through outdoor and indoor games and activities, as well as fine motor development through the use of manipulative toys, blocks, puzzles and other small tools and objects.
Kiddy Garden respects parents as the primary and most important provider of care and nurturing and we believe parents and teachers should be partners in this effort.